Thursday, May 29, 2014

I just got back from the family fiesta.  I didn't go with my family though.  I went with Cory.  I really liked it.  We met Toure there.  That was cool because me Toure and Cory just hung out for a while and had a lot of fun just talking.  We also played around with some tennis balls we found.  We played basket ball and wall ball.
Marc Beired
Mrs. Roberts
Social Studies

I would like to be with arabis if I was ever lost on a deserted island because he is very tough.  He is also hard working.  In the book Jump Ship to Freedom Arabis gets beaten by captain Ivers.  I would also want arabis to be with me because he is good at  tying nots and he could help me build a shelter.  I would also want him to be with me because if we ever manage to build a boat I would want someone who could sail.  He has calloused hands and would be good at building a raft.  His calloused hands also would be good at collecting sticks and materials to make things that we would need.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

I am going to work on more stop motion animations as soon as I have time.  I need to fix up my character though.  I really want to keep working on this though, it is a lot of fun.  I also want to clean my room because I can't find anything and join jakes boy scout troop.  Looks like I have a to do list to do.  Oh I should also make a to do list.
Marc Beired
Mrs. Roberts
Social Studies

I would like to be with arabis if I was ever lost on a deserted island because he is very tough.  He is also hard working.
Are you stubborn?  Do you make sure that you finish strong even if it was the last thing you do?  Are you a little hot tempered?  If you answered yes to these questions then you are a lot like d'Artangnan which is the main character in the story The Three Musketeers.  He is the kind of person who if does not receive respect from every one but the King, Cardinal and M. de Trevillie he will make sure that they do not disrespect him again.

D' Artagnan is a person who takes nothing from no one.  I have evidence fro the text to support this.  "And I" cried d' Artagnan "will allow no man to laugh when it displeases me."  This proves what I have said because he is screaming at someone who as made a joke abut him.  A little while later he is threatening to strike this man down.  Why I think he is striving for respect from every one is because he wants everyone to know his name when he becomes one of the great musketeers and shows his worth.  I also think it is because of his dads words telling him not to take anything from anyone except the cardinal, the king' and M. de Trevillie.

D' Artagnan will stop at nothing to finish what he started.  If he starts a case he finishes it.  If he starts a fight he finishes it.  If he makes a promise he keeps it.  He is noble and trust worthy you could say.  He makes a promise to M. Bonaciuex that he will solve the case about his missing wife and has not stopped solving the case but falling in love with his wife too.  Another way that he shows he stops at nothing is when he keeps trying to get a date with this dudes wife (the husband and the wife do not have a very strong relation ship, at least the wife doesn't have a strong relation ship with the husband but I think the husband still loves his wife).  I can relate to this because if I start something I like I stop at nothing to finish that thing.

Hot tempered is a good adjective to describe d' Artagnan.  He will make sure that no one 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

I am making stop motion videos and my mane character is Corky the cork.  It is a lot of fun I have already made some videos of him doing pushups and falling down and getting on his butt.  It is a lot of fun to make stop motion videos.  My mom thinks the videos were funny but  I have just found out corky got attacked by my dog.

Friday, May 23, 2014

I want to play tennis.  I think tennis is way to underrated.  It is a lot of fun.  It is like life size ping-pong.  Ping pong is a lot of fun to.  I think all sports are fun...... except rugby.  That game is just stupid.  I am really bored.  All I want to do is play tennis.
Are you stubborn?  Do you make sure that you finish strong even if it was the last thing you do?  If you answered yes to these questions then you are a lot like d'Artangnan which is the main character in the story The Three Musketeers.  He is the kind of person who if does not receive respect from every one but the King, Cardinal and M. de Trevillie he will make sure that they do not disrespect him again.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

I like being Spanish.  It is also fun to be american.  I get A's in spanish and I can talk with double the amount of people.  It is also fun to experience two different cultures at once.  Spain and the United States are totally different places.  Spain has way more food, healthier options and the food is just plain great.  There are also more beaches and there is more than one kind of beach (those people who know the different type of beaches know what I am talking about).  Over in Spain it is all apartments and it is pretty cramped.  In Spain there are a lot more people walking and riding bicycles instead of using their car.  Also big sport difference.  Here football is the main sport.  Over in Spain soccer is their main sport.  Not only places are different but the people are too.  In Spain no one would care if a baby or a nine year old was crying and they are never quick to judge.  The good thing about the United states is that there is better education for my sister because there aren't really places were my sister can go to learn.  There is also more space here.  It isn't always great though because I can not visit Spain as often as you might think.  My family is over there and I miss them sometimes but when I am over there I have blast.  There is also one other problem  PEOPLE CALL A ME MEXICAN.  IT'S LIKE CLLING AN ASSIAN CHINESE!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

This is an island of Greece.  This is where I want to go when I go to Greece.  There are a lot of other places I want to go to in Greece.  I just realized that Greece has a lot of islands.  They also have a lot of domes.  They got their domes from the East.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

I have a pet bearded dragon.  In fact he is with me right now.  He is sitting on my mac while I type.  Bearded dragons are extremely cool.  I love my bearded dragon very much.  My bearded dragons name is flame.  He is very colorful.  He is mostly red, orange, and gold.  Flame (my bearded dragon) eats crickets.  He has a very sticky tongue that shoots out at the cricket and retracts pulling the cricket.

Monday, May 19, 2014

I want to travel around the world.  That would be so much fun.  The place I want to go most is Greece.  The place I want to go after Greece is Australia.  Then I would like to go to France.  I am adding these places to the bucket list.  I want to go to Greece for a long time maybe live there for a while then pick up my mom in the United states to go to Australia.  When I told my mom about these places that I wanted to go to, she said,  "when you go to Australia take me with you," so that is what I am going to do.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Have you ever obsessed with a special person?  Someone you would do anything for?  In the story Seventh Grade victor finds this special person and will do any thing to get her.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Random stuff.  I wonder if a calf would eat ginger.  I could use a cent to buy a carrot for a gentle giraffe.  I would make a secret code with a goose.  The gist of these sentences isn't clear.  I am a guest in this cell and the folks here don't look frendly, mabye next time I won't go to the county jail.  I guess this guide likes a game of golf every now and then.  My gem   has a center that looks like a purple panther.  I put my coat in my neibors cart and went to the gym were I ran in a circle.  They had a washing muchine at the circus and it's cycle mode was rince.  My bear had a cub that likes the dum-dums.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

I do not know what to write.  I think I should write about something interesting and I was going to have soccer track and boy scouts but every thing got cancelled.  Oh maybe I should write about how every thing is cancelled and it didn't even rain. Oh, wait I just did well that was boring.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Caramel is the best candy in the world.  It is a million times better than any other candy but except for Twizzlers and any gummy thing for example a Gummy Bears.  All the candy I just mentioned is extremely good.  I don't know why but it is just so good.  Eating a Twizzlers is like a tug of war of flavor.  Gummies are so good because the last for ever and the flavor is delicious.  Carmel is amazing because to me carmel is solid happiness that melts in your mouth.

Monday, May 12, 2014

I am going to write about how bearded dragons drink.  This is actually a story.  It all started about 15 minutes ago when I was filling up my bearded dragons water dish somehow we got to the topic of how bearded dragons drink.  My mom thought they drank with there ears and I said "wow thats so cool but I have never seen flame drink before."  "That is because they drink with there ears," she replied.  "No I mean I have never seen him dip his head under the water and drink with his ears,"
"Yah are you sure they drink with there ears?" (there was more diologe but I want to finish my story).
We searched it up and we found you tube videos and bearded dragons do not drink with there ears.  There were different ways for you to give water to your bearded dragons.  All I have been doing is filling a shallow bowl with water.  One you tube video Showed a person putting his bearded dragon in the sink and he said his bearded dragon liked to swim around.  I tried this with Flame (my bearded dragon) and he just swam around and loved it. He could beet some of the kids on the swim team Jk
I am having a bad hair day.  I wish I had some jell.  I should have coumed it this morning but I didn't have time.  I also took some cool pictures over the weekend because I was bored.  I am also listening to sam mutter random songs and my ears are in pain.   Thank god he just stopped.  I am so bored.  I think I would take some more random pictures if there was anything that isn't boring in this class.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

I am trying to see how well can type with all my fingers, and I can see that it is hard but if I practiced enough I could probably type really fast but at the moment it is not working very well.  I think that I will stick with my random way of typing for now but I think that I should practice.  Never mind what I just said I am going to type like this from now on and that shall be my practice.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Cool game air drop

I want to figure out how to air drop on my iPhone or mac.  On my  iPhone I do not think I have air drop but I do on my mac so maybe somebody could air drop some games on my mac and i could transfer them to my iPhone.  That would be great because I would not have to buy games ever again.  Maybe Riley or Kevin could teach me how.  All my games for free sounds pretty good.  I do not have any money on my apple ID but I would not need it to get games because I could air drop instead.  I want this game called make it rain.  What you do in the games is you make it rain with money instead of actual rain.  The more you make it rain the more the more money you get.  It is a lot of fun.  It is like cookie clicker but more fun than cookie clicker.  I have cookie clicker and I have billions of cookies and I think the game is very fun.  The difference in the two games is the way they work the upgrades and stuff and the movements.  In cookie clicker you click.  In make it rain you slide up.  If you made it rain with real money you would be extremely broke.  People would love you a lot though for all the free money.

The right side of the picture is how you start of.  The left is how you go once you made it rain enough.

click here to go to my blog

Thursday, May 8, 2014

My dad taught me so much about atoms and molecules.  Basically everything there is to know about molecules and atoms.  I can't wait to have a scientific talk with kevin.  It is going to be so much fun because Kevin knows a ton about this stuff and I am eager to learn about it.  I have so many questions like what is a black hole made out of?  What is a black hole?  Were does every thing go when it goes into a black hole?  What happens when a diamond atom and a gold atom combine?  What happens when a diamond molecule and a gold molecule combine?

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

 I do not have any thing to write about.  I am tired and I don't feel like doing any homework.  I had a track meet tonight.  It was cold and started to rain.  When I came home I ate dinner.  Now I want to go to bed but I have to write for five minutes.  I did not have time to finish things in class.  The substitute is nice.  I like her.  But I couldn't finish my work today.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

I bought a cool box at the rummage sale.  It is a Tazo (Tazo is a brand of tea) box that is wooden with cool markings on the sides.  The lid is slide off and metal with a leather string attached that lets you pull the lid off.  Inside there are four compartments and the walls separating the compartments are also wooden.  The metal lid has the Tazo brand imprinted on it.  I like the box a lot but do not know what to put in it.  I am thinking something cool, small, interesting, basically anything that fits one of those descriptions.  Please give me ideas in the comment section.