Friday, December 20, 2013

I would like to work with them again because Jonathon was awesome.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

I made the best snow man ever today. It was so hard because he is huge.  Also he has a gigantic but.  I went through blood and sweet to make him.  I am serious.  I got cut and I was bleeding.  I am so proud though of myself because it is the best snowman I ever built in my life.  I think I did a really good job an dthat my dad will love it when he gets home.
we heard our r and e's today.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

I am writing for five minutes on the ground. I am going to write about my other blog.  My other blog has more than 12224 page reviews.  that is a lot of views.   I made it a very long time ago. like 4 years ago but that is still really impresive.  I think I might make a even better blog but I do not know what to make it about bye.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

I think I am going to make a blog called my story blog so from now on you should go to that one because I am going to write my five minutes there and if you read these posts and don't just say there powerful then you will go to that new blog that will be on the wiki. so I hope I don't see on power school that I didn't do my five minutes because I did.  I am making new time today.  I  am writing really fast today it's amazing and what I just said up here is all a lie.

Monday, December 16, 2013

I love candles, they are awesome.  They keep you lit up when your feeling dim. They are there to light the way when its dark.  They last a long time and give you some heat. You can feel there warmth when your feeling cold, they are not expensive and will be there for you. They come in many shapes and sizes, just like you.  That is why I love candles. Just don't forget the match.
year round school is not good because kids learn less and drop out.

Children often suffer from depression because they are stressed from to much work at school. 

Many students wouldn't want to go to school year-round and would get tired of it, which would result in many drop outs.

Year round school students learn the summer but less the other students the rest of the year.

Friday, December 13, 2013

I am going to get presents n Christmas. I can barely wait. It is so hard to just think about what I might get for the special day. I hope i get something awesome.  I still need to figure out what I want. I am thinking along the lines of a mac book pro or a windows eight tablet. I am actually sure now that I want some sort of apple computer. My mom is doing this stuff for another family not me so I might help.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

I am so bored. I want a mac-book pro for Christmas. My mom said maybe. I want to write and make it replace the computer I have now because this computer is sooooooooo slow.
I think that year round school is not a good idea because I am  from Spain but my mom is from here so when I was four  we moved here to America.  I visit my family in Spain every summer and I couldn't do that if the vacations where shorter.  There would not be any time for me to even see my family in Colorado from my mom side.  I know I am not the only one who would have this problem so I really think that schools should not be year round.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

I am writing for five minutes about the time when I was at the poetry competition.  Me and my friend jake where thinking about our peom then we figured it ou and wrote it bla bla bla so when the day came we where listening to the other people with there poems.  then it was jakes and my turn.  We said our poem in perfect harmony.  Then we stayed and listened to some other people and we got third which is really good.
I was at my boy scout camp out and I did archery, rifle and horse back riding. I loved the horse back riding. It was the first time that I had been in complete control of my horse. I had the best horse to. When I got the barn I saw him. He had a brown coat with a white stripe on his snout. He also had white on the hair before his hoofs so it looked like he had socks. I asked the person what the horses name was and she said Radar.

 this is from yesterday

Tuesday, December 3, 2013